Thursday 25 August 2011

Street/Night Style

So last night I went out with a couple friends. As I already knew I was going to a pretty diverse place I decided it would be an interesting idea to take my camera, this way I could take pictures of various different people with their own unique street/night style. After a bit of dutch courage I eventually went up to some people walking on the street, and asked them about their outfits.

The first girl I approached was wearing a red silk, patterned top from Motel, tucked into a pair of blue and white striped shorts she got from Topshop. I really like the outfit as a whole as it's not something I would usually put together myself, although it really does work! I also feel that with the large, light brown belt it really brings the separate garments together to make the outfit complete. She definitely wears it well!

The next person I approached was a guy, he was dressed in quite a casual, slouchy way, yet in some bazaar way it still looked smart. He's wearing a Levi's denim shirt along with a pair of dark grey trousers and a pair of navy blue loafers, both of which he got from Topman.

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